Wrapmaster – Western Plastics https://www.wplastics.com Mon, 21 Mar 2022 15:44:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://www.wplastics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/cropped-sitelogo-32x32.png Wrapmaster – Western Plastics https://www.wplastics.com 32 32 El Dorado Refill Rolls https://www.wplastics.com/product/el-dorado-refill-rolls-2/ Mon, 09 Dec 2019 17:19:49 +0000 http://www.wpcalhoun.com/product/el-dorado-refill-rolls-2/
Item #SizeRls/CsWeightCubic Ft
82712 X 500 STD28.30.40
82812 X 1,000 STD216.50.40
82418 X 500 STD211.00.60
82518 X 500 HD217.00.60
Wrapmaster Foil https://www.wplastics.com/product/wrapmaster-foil-refill-rolls/ Mon, 09 Dec 2019 17:19:48 +0000 http://www.wpcalhoun.com/product/wrapmaster-foil-refill-rolls/ Refill Rolls]]>
Item #SizeRls/CsWeightCubic Ft
82012 X 500 STD29.400.40
82112 X 1,000 STD218.400.40
82218 X 500 STD212.600.60
82318 X 500 HD218.200.60


A Chefs Delight
It’s a safety dispenser for foodservice aluminum foil!

Designed for safe, maintenance free, high speed wrapping. Foilmaster’s unique features include stainless steel blade that is concealed for safety, a simple press of the lid that cuts cleanly every time, portability, durability & improved hygiene, $$$ savings with economic refill rolls.
Target markets: schools, delis, supermarkets, food chains, institutional kitchens.

Wrapmaster https://www.wplastics.com/product/wrapmaster-2/ Mon, 09 Dec 2019 17:19:47 +0000 http://www.wpcalhoun.com/product/wrapmaster-2/ Safety Dispenser for Foodwrap]]>
Item #SizeDescriptionCubic Ft.
179D12″Wrapmaster Dispenser0.70
180D18″Wrapmaster Dispenser0.94

Out With The Old.
Wrapmaster Replaces
Cutterboxes at a Furious Pace

Wrapmaster in Spotlight
The Wrapmaster is designed with tough, durable, hygienic ABS plastic for ease of use and quick loading refill rolls. Its stainless steel cutting blade is concealed for safety cuts film and foil "Tangle Free" every time.
Wrapmaster in Spotlight
The foodservice industry is facing many issues today insuring ecological and environmental standards are being kept in maintaining hi-quality-foods as well as the proper disposal of all packaging products used in the process.
Wrapmaster in Spotlight
Wrapmaster is a free standing food film and foil dispenser. The traditional method of using film/foil in cartons, of which users had to dispose of after usage, has been replaced by just refilling the Wrapmaster with a new roll of film or foil. This allows the ability to utilize 100% of the film or foil rolls as well as eliminate deteriorating and unsanitary cartons to dispose of.
Wrapmaster in Spotlight
Simply refill the 100% hygienic washable unit with your choice of film or foil and use thousands of feet of film or foil with perfect dispensing over and over again.
Wrapmaster in Spotlight
  • NO unsanitary cutterbox cartons to deal with
  • NO corrugated cartons to toss
  • NO blades to dispose of
  • Guaranteed clean and safe
  • Film and foil refill rolls in 12" and 18"
  • The refill rolls are packaged in a standard two pack brown carton which makes for easier disposal and is recycle friendly
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Wrapmaster Film https://www.wplastics.com/product/wrapmaster-film/ Mon, 09 Dec 2019 17:19:47 +0000 http://www.wpcalhoun.com/product/wrapmaster-film/ Refill Rolls]]>
Item #SizeRls/CsWeightCubic Ft
17212 X 2,000213.500.40
16515 x 2,000216.900.60
80418 x 2,000220.200.60